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Rules & Agreements

Here you can find information about any activities of the company related to investments and the Tavium community.

Rules & Agreements.


By clicking the “Register” button on the registration form, you agree to comply with all legally binding conditions set forth herein. If you do not agree with these Site Rules (the “Agreement”, “Rules”), leave the Site.

This Agreement is entered into between:
- (the “Company”), located at:
Licence number: 3272542

Phoenix House, 18 King William Street, London, England, EC4N 7BP
Licence number: 16067796,
- by You (the “Investor”)
regulates all major legal matters that may arise between the Company and the Investor (hereinafter, if together, the “Parties”) in the course of their interaction.


The Investor is the successor to the services provided by the Company;

The Investor is a consumer of services and uses his right to log into his own account on the Company’s Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”, “Website”).

1. Definitions

“Company” means the entity described above.

"Rules Content”, “Agreement Content”, “Rules”, “Agreement” means any content provided by the Company within the scope of the Agreement or in connection with the Agreement, including all training and other videos, user guides, templates, newsletters, digests and other audio and/or text information contextually and/or directly covered by this Agreement.

“Data” means any of Your and/or the Company’s information, statistics, reports and information obtained as a result of Your use of the Company’s Website.

“Software” means any program code (including object code and source code) that may be transmitted and/or used in the exchange of data between the Site and the Investor.

2. License

The Company grants to the Investor a non-exclusive License (Right) to access and use the Site in good faith in accordance with this Agreement for the purposes specified in this Agreement and within the scope of the Website Content.

This Right shall be granted subject to the fulfillment of all the terms of this Agreement, as well as compliance with the laws of the country of residence of the Investor, Hong Kong and international law.

The assignment by the Investor of the granted Right to third parties is not possible.

If an assignment of a Right is identified, the Investor shall be disqualified and deprived of the right to continue using the Site.

The use of the Site is possible only if you use a unique username and password received by the Investor when registering an account on the Website.

The Investor shall keep the password, username, as well as other details that may be needed, or may be used by the site system, in full confidentiality, without providing this Data to third parties.

The Investor shall take all possible efforts to prevent unauthorized use of the Site by third parties using the Investor Data.

The Investor shall not use the Site in a manner that we believe is inappropriate, offensive, unlawful or otherwise, including in any manner that:

  • • May lead to a decrease in the performance of the Site, perverts the content of the Site and the information contained on it, or in any other way reduce the overall functionality of the Website;
  • • Prevents the provision of services to the Company to any other person, partner, Investor or violates or may infringe the intellectual property rights of the Company and/or any other person, partner, Investor.

The Investor acknowledges and agrees that the use of the Site does not give it, like any other customer of the company, any interest in any intellectual property rights that may be on the Site, including the Site Content, its Software or any other content that may result from the Investor's use of such content in its interaction with the Company.

3. Privacy information

The Company undertakes and warrants that any personal information contained in any data is processed in accordance with the national privacy principles provided for by the “Privacy Act”, the “National Privacy Principles” (“NPPs”) and the “Privacy Act” (“Privacy Act 1988”), including in providing assurances that such personal information will be stored safely and securely. The Company may use any data for the purpose of implementing this Agreement, as well as for marketing and research purposes in relation to the Site for the purpose of ensuring the management and development of the Website.

The Investor acknowledges and agrees that it cannot assign and/or claim to any Data and/or Results of the Company which the Company may use or use for the purposes described above. The Company, where possible, will deidentify any personal information (including any confidential information) contained in the data before such information or data is used for the above promotion, marketing and/or for research and economic goals. This data (possibly including personal data) can be stored on servers located abroad and which are managed by third parties. The Company will, as far as practicable, seek to have these third parties manage the data in accordance with this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, but will not be liable if, for one reason or another, these third parties are unable to do so. For more information on how we process personal information contained in registration data and/or any other data, please read our Privacy Policy, which is located on the website.

The investor has the right to make sure also personally of correctness of use of the personal data provided to them to the Company, having made the corresponding inquiry in our client support.

4. Ban on modifications

The investor agrees and confirms that he under no circumstances shouldn’t modify and/or change the Website, make the actions directed to degradation of a system, decompile or disassemble any Content which is contained on the Website with use of malicious applications or without those, or to apply any other actions directed to distortion, destruction and/or replacement with other content of original Site content and also to interfere with work of systems of the Website. Without restrictions and exceptions.

5. Cancellation of the Agreement

Without limiting any other rights, the Company has the right according to this Agreement, to terminate the present Agreement, as well as cooperation, without prior notice of the Investor if the Investor violates this Agreement.

After cancellation of the Agreement the Company has no obligations to such Investor and doesn't make any decisions concerning a refund. Including in case of violation of the Rights granted to the Investor by the Company regarding disclosure of details of transactions, mutual cooperation and financial transactions.

The investor accepts and agrees that all paragraphs of this Agreement which he can’t mention cancellation of the Agreement in general, in particular, Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 will continue the action.

6. Maintenance, Denial of responsibility and Restriction of responsibility

The company has the right without prior notice from time to time to change, modify or update the Website.

The investor agrees and recognizes that it is necessary only on own experience and own judgment in making decision on use of the Website and also confirms what any promises and/or guarantees wasn’t provided and/or given by the Company to any person or the company from his name and/or directly to the Investor concerning work of the Website and/or concerning compliance of the Website to any benefits and preferences which can be received as a result of use of the Website and the accompanying information provided by the Company.

The investor agrees and accepts the following:

  • • All information provided on the Website is provided “as is” and without representation of any guarantees of any kind;
  • • The company refuses all statements and guarantees concerning the Website, whether it be obvious, implied or established by the law, including any other including third parties, implied guarantees.
  • • The company, besides, refuses any assurances or guarantees concerning the following:
  • • Use of the Website won’t violate the right of the third parties;
  • • Use of the Website will be continuous or faultless and that any service provided by the Company will still be available or that any defects in work of the Website will be corrected anyway;
  • • The website will be inaccessible for the hacker attacks, other unauthorized access, the DDoS-attacks, viruses or other harmful or technologically harmful materials, codes or programs;
  • • The website will be compatible and/or will work with any software or with services of the third parties.

    Besides, the Company isn’t responsible for:

  • • Failures or the temporary terminations in provision of services or operation of communication networks or the Internet which are used for access or use of the Website on the party of the Investor;
  • • Failures or the temporary terminations in provision of services or operation of the Website, including any failures caused by the supplier of such services on the party of the Company;
  • • Losses of data, including any losses or damages of any volume of Data, the incorrect data transfer which happened in communication of internal failures in the system of the Website;
  • • Use of the Website by the third party (including any third party which addresses bases of a system of the Website, using the unique user name and the password received by the Investor at registration).

The company won’t be responsible for infliction of harm to health, or any accidental, special, indirect or not indirect losses suffered not only the Investor in any form, but also anyone. The company won’t be responsible that number and for the missed benefit, damages and/or losses of data, impossibility to transfer or accept any data, the interruption of business or any other commercial losses or losses arising from / or in connection with any use or impossibility of use of the Website even in case to the Company it was reported about a possibility of approach of such losses.

In addition, the Company has the right to ignore the facts of negative consequences if:

  • • Such consequences are qualified as such (negative) under the laws of other countries;
  • • Third-party law attempts to invalidate at least one clause of this Agreement;
  • • The Investor ignored this Agreement.

    The Investor agrees to refrain from making any negative public statements towards the Company or to associate the Company and/or its employees in its negative public statements, and agrees to refrain from making any claim for any loss or loss resulting from the following actions and factors:

  • • Any breach by the Investor of this Agreement;
  • • Any use of the Site by a third party to whom the Investor has granted access to the Site, whether or not it was done voluntarily by the Investor;
  • • Any use of the Site by the Investor for illegal purposes (including any use in violation of the law).

7. General provisions

The Investor acknowledges and acknowledges that before clicking the “Register” button, it has carefully read all the provisions set out in this Agreement and that this Agreement constitutes a complete understanding between the Investor and the Company.

The Investor acknowledges and acknowledges that by accepting this Agreement, it is aware that in this case this Agreement supersedes and supersedes by its content all previous proposals, oral or written negotiations that may have been previously conducted between the Investor and the Company in connection with the use of the Website.

The Investor undertakes to use the Company’s contacts and legal address solely for its intended purpose and for the purpose of optimizing mutual cooperation, and the Investor agrees and confirms that under no circumstances will it use the Company’s contacts and address for the purpose of distributing private and other advertising, for the purpose of sending and spamming information about other projects and companies, and attempt to communicate with the Company’s employees in order to resolve issues, unrelated to this Agreement and/or the Client’s investment actions.

The Investor may only be denied the Right in writing.

The Company shall have the right to take actions aimed at raising the Investor’s awareness of the events and activities taking place on the Company’s Website by sending to the Investor’s e-mail address the appropriate content of notifications, requests for additional information, Company news, announcements and other activities similar in form and content.

The Company provides guaranteed income to the Investor using sources of profitability provided by the Company’s activities in the field of exchange trading.

The content of the Site cannot be considered as any legal, insurance, tax or investment advice, appeals and/or suggestions. Any information posted on the Site should not be considered as an imaginary recommendation or as our direct recommendation, or as a recommendation or advice of third parties. shall under no circumstances be liable for any damage, loss or drawdown of the customer resulting from the use of any information contained on the Company’s Website.

The Parties acknowledge and confirm that any cooperation of the Parties is a private transaction, the details and terms of which cannot be disclosed to third parties.

The Parties acknowledge and confirm that the use of SPAM by the Investor Party results in the termination of this Agreement without the possibility of restoring the Right and License.

The exercise of the Right shall not preclude the further exercise of that Right or any other right.

All content of the Company’s Website shall be fully and automatically related to this Agreement and shall be subject to compliance by the Parties in the same manner as this Agreement with all possible changes, additions and new revisions, regardless of whether the Investor knew about them or not.

This Agreement shall be governed from time to time by the laws in force in Hong Kong. The Parties irrevocably submit, without exception, to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts and any higher courts that may hear appeals of the courts of that State if deemed legally appropriate and tort in court.